Do these weird tricks. Or don’t. Up to you.
Unconventional Productivity Hacks for Writers, Artists and Entrepreneurs
Writing advice you haven’t heard before to up your game, do less and increase your success
Procrastinate more
It boosts creativity and stops you wasting time following dead ends. Just don’t do it so much that you miss the deadline.
Inbox zero is a waste of time
There’s no reason to sort your email. Delete the junk and keep the rest. You can search for anything you want to find later.
Only ever put three things on your to-do list
Then cross off two (affiliate link).
Use social media while you’re working
Give your brain a break by checking your feed between each sentence. If you start to check it more often, it means you’re not working on the right thing.
Quality is better than quantity
Focus on quality not quantity. There’s enough dreck in the world. You don’t need to add to it.