How to Care for Your Pet Ghost

Andrew Macrae
2 min readApr 23, 2020
Photo by Tandem X Visuals on Unsplash

One day, the ghost showed up.

I didn’t know where he came from. Perhaps he followed me home from the cinema?

He wore a shapeless white smock. When we got home, he took the smock off. If you’ve never seen underneath a ghost’s smock before, it can be quite disconcerting.

He had six eyes, arranged in two columns on either side of his face. He had a thousand arms that waved in the air, like tentacles.

He didn’t say anything. He just sat there, moping. I could tell he wanted attention, though.

Learning about your ghost

I didn’t know anything about how to care for a ghost, so I did some research.

I went to the library and looked up all the books on ghosts. They weren’t very helpful. Literary ghosts are nothing like the real thing.

I spoke to my uncle, who worked on a ghost farm in Tasmania when he was a young man.

“Don’t give him too much to eat,” he said. “He’ll become dependent on you, and will forget how to feed himself.”

I tried to follow my uncle’s advice, but my ghost just looked so sad all the time that I couldn’t help myself. If I had any boiled eggs left over from…



Andrew Macrae

Freelance writer and editor. Sign up for my newsletter about writing, freelancing and whatever is worrying me