8 Tips to Beat Procrastination While Working from Home

Andrew Macrae
6 min readApr 20, 2020
Graffiti tag saying ‘Trust your struggle’
Photo by DJ Johnson on Unsplash

The other day I wrote about Steven Pressfield’s concept of resistance: the inevitable, implacable negative energy force which springs up unbidden whenever you commit yourself to a positive project that will benefit you, your family, your art or your community.

It’s also called writers block, but it applies to any entrepreneurial, physical, creative or spiritual undertaking that you feel called to do. It leads to procrastination, addiction and dissociation.

Pressfield’s key message is that resistance is always going to be there one way or another. You can’t wish it away, so you must have a plan to deal with it.

That’s all very well in theory, but how are you supposed to do that when you’ve got a monolithic, debilitating drag on your creative energy, which is reinforced by a lifetime of bad habits?

Here are some of the things that helped when I was writing my novel Trucksong. It still felt like every sentence was hammered out of rock with a chisel, but the good news is that day by day, you will get a little bit further along the rock face.

Baby steps

In the beginning, I set an incredibly low word count for myself, one that I was guaranteed to meet without any trouble.



Andrew Macrae

Freelance writer and editor. Sign up for my newsletter about writing, freelancing and whatever is worrying me https://tinyletter.com/Andrew_Macrae